9 types of API testing

Morris Muriuki Muthigani

02/10/2024 (5 months ago)

πŸ”Ή Smoke Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: This is a preliminary test to ensure that the basic functionalities of the API are working without any major issues.

πŸ“Process: It involves executing a set of basic tests on the API to validate its core functionalities.

πŸ“Example: Sending a simple request to the API and checking if it returns the expected response code.

πŸ”Ή Functional Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To verify that the API functions according to the specified functional requirements.

πŸ“Process: Test cases are designed based on the functional requirements, and the actual outcomes are compared against expected results.

πŸ“Example: Testing different endpoints with various inputs to ensure correct behavior.

πŸ”Ή Integration Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To test the interaction between different components or APIs within the system.

πŸ“Process: Multiple API calls are combined to perform end-to-end testing, ensuring proper communication and data transmission between services.

πŸ“Example: Testing a payment API along with an inventory management API to ensure seamless order processing.

πŸ”Ή Regression Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To ensure that changes or updates to the API do not negatively impact existing functionalities.

πŸ“Process: Previously executed test cases are re-run to confirm that existing functionalities are still working as expected.

πŸ“Example: Repeating tests for core functionalities after implementing a new feature to ensure no regression occurs.

πŸ”Ή Load Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To assess the performance of the API under different loads by simulating concurrent user interactions.

πŸ“Process: APIs are subjected to varying levels of traffic to determine their capacity and response times under stress.

πŸ“Example: Sending a large number of simultaneous requests to the API to assess its performance under peak load conditions.

πŸ”Ή Stress Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To evaluate the API's stability and robustness under extreme conditions, beyond its normal operational capacity.

πŸ“Process: APIs are subjected to high loads or resource exhaustion to determine their breaking points and how they recover.

πŸ“Example: Generating a massive influx of requests to the API to assess its ability to handle unexpected spikes in traffic.

πŸ”Ή Security Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in the API that could be exploited by malicious actors.

πŸ“Process: APIs are tested against various security threats and attacks to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

πŸ“Example: Checking for proper authentication mechanisms, encryption of sensitive data, and protection against common security threats like SQL injection or Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

πŸ”Ή UI Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To verify that the data retrieved from the API is correctly displayed and interacted with in the user interface.

πŸ“Process: Testing the integration between the UI and API to ensure seamless interaction and accurate data presentation.

πŸ“Example: Validating that user input through the UI correctly triggers API calls and that the displayed data matches the API response.

πŸ”Ή Fuzz Testing:

πŸ“Purpose: To identify potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the API by sending unexpected or invalid inputs.

πŸ“Process: Injecting malformed or random data into the API endpoints to provoke unexpected behaviors or crashes.

πŸ“Example: Sending random strings, special characters, or excessively large payloads to API endpoints to test how they handle unexpected inputs.

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