How To Make A WhatsApp Link With Message Content

Morris Muriuki Muthigani

02/01/2023 (1 year ago)

To create a WhatsApp link with pre-filled message content, use the following format:

Kikimo Dev Editor

For example of "Hello, how are you?", the link would look like this:

Kikimo Dev Editor,%20how%20are%20you%3F

Note: The text in the link must be URL-encoded.

Add phone numbers

To add a phone number, you can add it after slash like the example above. Please note, if you only add the telephone number without encoding text, then the link will still be direct to the WhatsApp phone number that is being addressed but without the contents of the message. If you only want to include a phone number, then the example will be like this

Add Text

To load text after a number like the link above, there are 2 ways you can use it here. First, you can write your own manually. Second, you can use a third party website to create text.

First step

You can create text that will automatically appear when * user * clicks the WhatsApp link. In this text there are two things you need to know, namely how to add spaces and replace lines.

  • Space: To add space in the text you want to create, use %20. For example, you want to write ‘Hi how are you?’, It will be ‘Hi%20how%20are20you?’.

  • Change line: To replace lines in the text that you created, use %0A. Suppose you want to write it like this

‘Hello Nadine. How are you’

Then you can write it like this ‘Hello%20Nadine%0Ahow%20are%20you%0A’

The two pre texts above are the most basic and easy to understand. There are still many different pre texts because if you use symbols like question marks (?) Or exclamation points (!) And so on, they have different pre text. If you really want to add symbols, you can try the second method.

Second Way

You can use third party web assistance as stated below. This method can be an alternative if you want an easier process in making pre text without the need to write manually like the first way. Here are the steps:

  1. You can access the web Encode here to compose a message.
  2. Create the message you want, then click the ‘Encode’ button.
  3. Copy the encode code, then paste after the symbol (=) like the example link above.

After that the WhatsApp link that you create will automatically be directed to your WhatsApp number, along with the message that was created earlier. You can use the link in the Email marketing button, or on your Page button so that when someone sees it and wants to contact you, it will make it easier for them to communicate with you.

Discussion (2)

Noob master's avatar
Tito 1 year ago
Can you include media files

Emily's avatar
Replies 1 year ago
No, you cannot include media files in a WhatsApp link. WhatsApp uses a proprietary, encrypted messaging protocol, and you can only send text, images, videos, and voice messages within the app. To share media files with someone on WhatsApp, you need to send them as attachments within the app.
Noob master's avatar
Morris Muriuki Muthigani 1 year ago
Note: The text in the link must be URL-encoded.

Emily's avatar
Replies 1 year ago
The two pre texts above are the most basic and easy to understand. There are still many different pre texts because if you use symbols like question marks (?) Or exclamation points (!) And so on, they have different pre text. If you really want to add symbols, you can try the second method.

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