How to Install Laravel 10 using Composer

Morris Muriuki Muthigani

10/03/2022 (1 year ago)

Installing Laravel 10 via Composer is a straightforward process, ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites in place. Laravel, known for its expressive syntax and adherence to the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern, offers an enhanced development experience with features like dependency injection, a robust database abstraction layer, queues, scheduled jobs, and comprehensive testing capabilities.

Here's a step-by-step guide for installing Laravel 10 using Composer:

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before diving into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites set up:

   - PHP version 8

   - Composer version 2

Composer, a powerful dependency manager for PHP, will be utilized to install all the required libraries for running Laravel seamlessly.

You can install Composer from the link given below 

After installation of the composer, run the below command on your terminal.


It gives output like this.

Step 2: 

After Successfully installing PHP and Composer, you need to create a new Laravel project via Composer.

Run the below command.

$composer create-project laravel/laravel blog-app

It gives output like this.

Step 3: 

After successfully creating the project, start Laravel’s local development server using Laravel’s Artisan CLI serve command

Run the below command.

$cd blog-app
$php artisan serve

It gives output like this.

Now copy this link and paste it into your browser. It will look like this

Discussion (2)

Noob master's avatar 2 months ago
unde et cupiditate aperiam sit similique est sunt numquam nisi non voluptatem voluptas nesciunt vel et vel ab. magni iste reprehenderit aut natus a earum sit itaque iure sit voluptatem omnis perspicia
Noob master's avatar 2 months ago
itaque quos saepe similique quos et et porro assumenda quidem quibusdam in ad repellendus itaque possimus. nostrum dignissimos in ut sint voluptate autem nisi. ut eius vitae illum sunt voluptas nisi q

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